
Mek Boxing


Team PvP - boxing with Meks.

Admin Boss Arena


Pit your creatures against the bosses of the ARKs! Fight waves of bosses and their underlings in order to unlock tekgrams and go home with some extra Element for your troubles. What creatures can I bring? Rex Spino Allosaurus Megatherium Reaper King Rock Drake Therizino Yutyrannus (2) Daeodon (2) Your creature must be at least…

The Friendly Server Monthly Auction

Market Town & Auctioneer Eventmap

Each tribe can sell up to 5 dinos/items, and each tribe can buy up to 5 dinos/items. To enter a sale into the auction - DM Phokxx with a screenshot of the dino, the soul ball details, what currency you would like to sell for (e.g. element, hair, ingots etc) and if you have a…

Tower Defence


Defend your tower from hordes of enemies. Team PvE.

Dino Warz


Bring 6 dinos from the list below - all must be tames. Max 150 tame (180 for tek). No bred dinos, no Shinies, no patron dinos, no prize dinos. Must be 6 different dinos. No saddles, no weapons. Fight your dinos to the death in the Dino Warz arena. Winner gets their dinos back and…

Funzies Boss Arena: Odd Toed Ungulates


As per main event except the following changes to min/max levels and allowable dinos: Minimum dino level: 300 Maximum dino level: 400 (including levels). Maximum 100 in any one stat. Allowed dinos: Equus, Chalicotherium and Woolly Rhino. Excluded dinos: Rex, Tek Rex, Spino, Allo, Reaper, Drake, Megatherium, Therizino, Shadowmane, Giganotosaurus, Bronto, Diplo, Amargossaurus, Titanosaur, Titan,…

The Friendly Server Monthly Auction

Market Town & Auctioneer Eventmap

Each tribe can sell up to 5 dinos/items, and each tribe can buy up to 5 dinos/items. To enter a sale into the auction: You'll find a button at the bottom of the #auction-and-market channel. Click that button to create an auction listing. You will be given a private channel to list your entries. Entries…

Phokxx Hunting

Conan Exiles

Locate Phokxx on the map after asking a series of yes/no questions.

Dino ASBOs


Tame some of the ARK's most irritating critters to rack up the highest possible tally and defeat your competition.

The Unhallowed Runes


Visit the legendary temple ruins discovered by FS Archaeologists. Can you uncover the bloodcurdling history of this ancient place, and will the legends be true?


Admins will hide loot around the cluster and post hints in Discord in order for you to find.

Phokxx Hunting

Late night event for those in different timezones - likely to start shortly after the midnight restart.

Admin Boss Arena


Map opens at 6:30. Last entry registration 6:55. Fight starts at 7:00. No latecomers, so join early. 1 dino, 1 rider. No spare/swapped dinos mid-fight. Minimum dino level: 450 Maximum dino level: No maximum Minimum saddle level: Journeyman Players can request to borrow a dino, saddle or equipment to enter the fight if there are…

The Friendly Server Monthly Auction

Market Town & Auctioneer Eventmap

Each tribe can sell up to 5 dinos/items, and each tribe can buy up to 5 dinos/items. To enter a sale into the auction: You'll find a button at the bottom of the #auction-and-market channel. Click that button to create an auction listing. You will be given a private channel to list your entries. Entries…

Battle Royale

Team and solo PvP event inspired by popular Battle Royale games like Warzone, PUBG and SotF. Fight other players, wild dinos, the elements and an ever-decreasing poison gas zone in order to be the victor. Map opens at 18:30 UK time, event starts at 19:00. If you don't already have them installed, you will need…