
Admin Boss Arena


Permitted creature list: Rex Spino Allosaurus Megatherium Reaper King Rock Drake Therizino Yutyrannus (2) Daeodon (2) A journeyman (or above) saddle is required for your mount. If you do not have a mount to bring with you, there are a number of creatures loaned by the community that you may borrow for the event. Only…

Admin Boss Arena


Pit your creatures against the bosses of the ARKs! Fight waves of bosses and their underlings in order to unlock tekgrams and go home with some extra Element for your troubles. What creatures can I bring? Rex Spino Allosaurus Megatherium Reaper King Rock Drake Therizino Yutyrannus (2) Daeodon (2) Your creature must be at least…



Football, but on Procoptodons! See the livestream footage of the last Rooball:

The Big Summer Party

The Island

The annual summer party on The Friendly Server. Plenty of exciting mini games and lots of prizes to be won! See the livestream from the Summer Party of 2020:

Admin Boss Arena


Pit your creatures against the bosses of the ARKs! Fight waves of bosses and their underlings in order to unlock tekgrams and go home with some extra Element for your troubles. What creatures can I bring? Rex Spino Allosaurus Megatherium Reaper King Rock Drake Therizino Yutyrannus (2) Daeodon (2) Your creature must be at least…

Funzie Boss Arena: Shadowmanes


Pit your creatures against the bosses of the ARKs! Fight waves of bosses and their underlings in order to unlock tekgrams and go home with some extra Element for your troubles. What creatures can I bring? Shadowmane Yutyrannus (2) Daeodon (2) Your creature must be at least level 320, and a journeyman saddle (or better)…

Admin Boss Arena


Pit your creatures against the bosses of the ARKs! Fight waves of bosses and their underlings in order to unlock tekgrams and go home with some extra Element for your troubles. What creatures can I bring? Rex Spino Allosaurus Megatherium Reaper King Rock Drake Therizino Yutyrannus (2) Daeodon (2) Your creature must be at least…

Raptor Race

Just bring yourself - raptors and saddles will be provided.

Funzie Boss Arena: Bears & Apes


Pit your creatures against the bosses of the ARKs! Fight waves of bosses and their underlings in order to unlock tekgrams and go home with some extra Element for your troubles. What creatures can I bring? Direbear Gigantopithecus (unarmed) Yutyrannus (2) Daeodon (2) Your creature must be at least level 320, and a journeyman saddle…

Phokxx Hunting


Find Phokxx and win a full set of Chibis!

Admin Boss Arena


Pit your creatures against the bosses of the ARKs! Fight waves of bosses and their underlings in order to unlock tekgrams and go home with some extra Element for your troubles. What creatures can I bring? Rex Spino Allosaurus Megatherium Reaper King Rock Drake Therizino Yutyrannus (2) Daeodon (2) Your creature must be at least…

Dino Warz


Bring six (6) creatures from the list below. All must be wild tames (max 150 tame, 180 for tek). No bred creatures, no Shiny! Dinos creatures, no patron creatures, no prize creatures. All six must be different. No saddles and no weapons. Fight your creatures to the death in the Dino Warz arena. Winner gets…

Funzie Boss Arena: Two-Legged Dinos


Pit your creatures against the bosses of the ARKs! Fight waves of bosses and their underlings in order to unlock tekgrams and go home with some extra Element for your troubles. What creatures can I bring? Any two-legged creature excluding: Rex Spino Reaper Therizino Allosaurus Megatherium Wyvern Yutyrannus (2) Daeodon (2) Your creature must be…