Mods on The Friendly Server are chosen to significantly add to the survival experience, without taking away the nature of the game or making it too easy.
The chosen mods are stable, well established, from active and supportive modders.
The Friendly Server – ARK | Mod Collection The Friendly Server – Conan Exiles | Mod Collection
ArkAPI Plugins

Teleport to home or select server configured locations with a chat command. Currently part broken. Personal homes are disabled for the moment. Public teleports are still available. One home per player. To set a home, you must be near 10 friendly structures and not close to any Enemy structures. ArkHomes Info
Commands/addhome <HomeName> – Saves your current position./removehome <HomeName> – Removes your home./home <HomeName> – Teleports you your home location./listhomes – tells you your home name. /tp – Gives you a list of public teleport locations. /tp <LocationName> – Teleports you to the location.

Custom Chat Commands
Adds commands that players can use in chat. Custom Chat Commands Info
Adds the commands: /help /rules /website /discord /settings As well as informing players about commands for other plugins.

Suicide plugin
Adds a /suicide chat command. Suicide plugin Info