
Funzies Boss Arena: Odd Toed Ungulates


As per main event except the following changes to min/max levels and allowable dinos: Minimum dino level: 300 Maximum dino level: 400 (including levels). Maximum 100 in any one stat. Allowed dinos: Equus, Chalicotherium and Woolly Rhino. Excluded dinos: Rex, Tek Rex, Spino, Allo, Reaper, Drake, Megatherium, Therizino, Shadowmane, Giganotosaurus, Bronto, Diplo, Amargossaurus, Titanosaur, Titan,…

Admin Boss Arena


Map opens at 6:30. Last entry registration 6:55. Fight starts at 7:00. No latecomers, so join early. 1 dino, 1 rider. No spare/swapped dinos mid-fight. Minimum dino level: 450 Maximum dino level: No maximum Minimum saddle level: Journeyman Players can request to borrow a dino, saddle or equipment to enter the fight if there are…

Admin Boss Arena


Map opens at 6:30. Last entry registration 6:55. Fight starts at 7:00. No latecomers, so join early. 1 dino, 1 rider. No spare/swapped dinos mid-fight. Minimum dino level: 450 Maximum dino level: No maximum Minimum saddle level: Journeyman Players can request to borrow a dino, saddle or equipment to enter the fight if there are…

Admin Boss Arena


Map opens at 6:30. Last entry registration 6:55. Fight starts at 7:00. No latecomers, so join early. 1 dino, 1 rider. No spare/swapped dinos mid-fight. Minimum dino level: 450 Maximum dino level: No maximum Minimum saddle level: Journeyman Players can request to borrow a dino, saddle or equipment to enter the fight if there are…